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Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A.

31/05/2022 | News

Dear colleagues, it's showtime!

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Corporate theater to learn about oneself and recognise each other


More and more often one hears of team building, which, in the field of human resources, is the set of training activities put in place by the company to enable its employees to develop a set of soft skills useful for collaborating and communicating more effectively.


To this end, among the indoor and outdoor workshops that can be organised, there is business theater. The latter, as is easily guessed even from its name, is the outcome of the merger of two realities that are only apparently very distant: art and business. In fact, despite the preconceptions rooted in both sectors, this innovative union is capable of creating dynamic paths of both personal and professional growth.


Taking on the role of different characters, historical or mythological, from the near or distant past, participants have the opportunity to increase empathy and mutual trust, integrate different skills and discover new strengths.


In addition, theater exercises not only allow individual members to express themselves without being judged, but also significantly increase emotional connection and cooperation among colleagues.


The valuable possibilities offered by these workshops also emerged on May 23 when the kick-off of the seventh edition of the Chiesi Corporate Master (CCM) was hosted in the prestigious Teatro Regio of Parma.


During the event, 25 young talents, selected to attend the management training course in pharmaceutical business, dressed up in stage costumes and gave life to imaginary situations. Through improvisation exercises, the new class was challenged to spontaneously solve unexpected situations and find original solutions by thinking out-of-the-box. Although the initiative only sanctioned the beginning of the master, which will end in May 2023, it well summarizes the long-standing collaboration between SDA Bocconi, the program's official partner, and Chiesi: the passion for knowledge, the centrality of people and their continuous development.


Indeed, Chiesi's goal is to provide its young employees with the skills they need today to prepare them for their respective roles of tomorrow. Continuing education is not an expense but a long-term investment: Group's success will in fact depend on them. However, the priority is not only to share know-how, but to create a collaborative and positive environment in which employees can fully reflect themselves in the company's values and aspirations. As emphasised by project manager Giorgio Cavalleri, Group People Development Manager, "each of us is Chiesi, an integral part of the company, and with the Academy we want to create an international network ready to face future challenges."


It thus seems evident how theater, despite its contamination with the corporate world, has maintained its ancestral character. Today, as in ancient Greece, it sets spectators and actors free to unleash repressed energies, emotions, states of mind and allows creativity to open up new possible action and points of view. By taking part in a sort of modern catharsis, both on stage and in the audience, participants can show their most authentic selves and resolve any conflicting situations with the aim of improving individual and collective well-being: is this not the same goal to which every business should aspire?