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Our mission is to provide appropriate therapeutic solutions for and with patients, and to improve people’s health and quality of life worldwide.

This is the foundation of our sustainable business approach, which seeks to generate a wider positive impact for society and the environment by creating shared value for all our stakeholders.

We want to be considered as a reference point for people living with chronic respiratory disorders, neonatal pathologies, rare diseases, and other health conditions that are difficult to treat.

Action Areas 

Our patients are the reason we are in business. The value of the treatments, care, and solutions that we provide extends beyond merely treating the symptoms of chronic diseases.

We want to give our patients and their loved ones the support needed to live more active and fulfilling lives throughout their entire health journey. To be able to do that, we listen to their voice at every step of the way.

Transparency is at the core of this approach - starting with the way we make data from our clinical research more widely accessible and inclusive.


Improving access to healthcare and making sure that our approach to patient care is sustainable are also key to our commitment to improving patients' lives.


No-One Left behind

Many individuals around the globe suffer from medical conditions and require treatment - but for some, accessing affordable healthcare is a daunting potentially life-threatening challenge.

Healthcare should transcend geographical barriers, just as health issues do. We are also working to promote health as a fundamental right and to make treatment accessible to all those in difficult circumstances or who cannot easily access therapies.

To this end, in 2022 we donated over 130,000 units of Chiesi medicines, valued at €4.5 million. The Group’s contribution to positive societal impact goes beyond healthcare, with over 26.1 million euros in donations and other social-purpose contributions.

We work closely with associations within the sector worldwide and promote early access programmes for our drugs in the development phase, in particular those for rare or ultra-rare conditions and those without available alternative treatments.

Patient Centric Approach 


units of donated drugs for a

€ 4,5M

total value of donated drugs

A sustainable world to improve patients' lives

Our approach towards patients and improving their health extends beyond providing treatments. Climate change related factors negatively affect people and the planet. As part of delivering on our commitment, we have integrated sustainability at the core of our business. We strive to ensure that the products we create and distribute are safe, effective, and produced in an environmentally conscious manner. We are also committed to reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing waste throughout our supply chain

Additionally, we work closely with patient advocacy groups to ensure that our products are meeting the needs of patients and are accessible to those who need them most. By prioritizing sustainability in our approach towards patients, we aim to make a positive impact on the environment while also improving the lives of those we serve.

This commitment brings two main benefits: enhancing patients’ health and contributing to scientific progress through Research & Development (R&D).

R&D is integral to our business, and we continue to invest a significant portion of our turnover in it. In 2022, we invested €589 million euros in Research & Development (R&D), a figure that grew by 7% from the previous year2021, accounting for 21.4% of total revenue. This illustrates our dedication We are dedicated to promoting innovative therapeutic solutions.


Toward new carbon-minimal inhalers

In 2019, we announced a €350 million investment to develop the first carbon-minimal pMDI, which will replace the propellant currently used in our inhalers with a new formulation with significantly lower global-warming potential. Our new inhaler programme is designed to maintain patient care and choice, ensuring that carbon-minimal alternatives have the same safety, efficacy, and usability as the current devices used by patients worldwide.

Positive results from pharmacokinetic indicated that the new propellant formulation showed showing similar results in terms of lung deposition, systemic exposure, safety, and tolerability when compared to the current propellant.

We are on track to deliver a new generation of inhalers to improve the health of our patients and reduce our carbon footprint at once.