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The planet is currently facing a climate emergency which will affect not only future generations but also our own. Collectively, we must do all that we can to immediately reduce CO2 emissions and help all communities worldwide rapidly adapt to the consequences of rising global temperatures.

Our strong beliefs define our actions and the way we do business. Our targets towards driving change for the environment are bold, clear, and transparent.

Our path to net zero

We aim to achieve Net Zero emissions:

  • on direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (SCOPE 1)
  • and indirect GHG emissions from purchased electricity and heat by 2030 (SCOPE 2)
  • and on indirect GHG emissions by 2035 (SCOPE3)

Our GHG emissions reduction targets are aligned with the Paris Agreement’s most ambitious goal to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.

Indeed, following the publication of the new SBTi 'Corporate Net-Zero Standard' in October 2021, we decided to transition from the concept of carbon neutrality to the more stringent new standard of Net Zero Emissions.


We invite accountability

Aside from reducing our own emissions, we believe in the importance of corporate activism. Companies can play a fundamental role in the fight against climate change by partnering with industry peers, joining international coalitions, and supporting relevant frameworks and initiatives.

Building on this approach, we have developed and joined several partnerships:


As of March 2021, Chiesi joined the B Corp Climate Collective (BCCC), committing to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Race to Zero. This global campaign aims to encourage leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions and investors towards creating a greener future.


We are members of COalizione Italia, a collaboration of more than 50 Italian enterprises committed to incorporating a climate neutrality objective into their bylaws’, with the purpose to create the necessary conditions for the fight against climate change and the achievement of the European Union emission reductions targets.


We are members of Italy for Climate, an initiative of the Sustainable Development Foundation aimed at promoting the implementation of a climate roadmap for Italy, in line with the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement. This initiative builds on cooperation and common efforts by different stakeholders including companies, governments and local administrations.


We are members of the Sustainable Development Foundation, an authoritative point of reference on the topic of green economy. The foundation is committed to constantly elaborating and disseminating publications, studies, and research on sustainable development.

With the purpose of promoting accountability and climate action, in 2021 we launched the

#ActionOverWords campaign


Our emissions reduction strategy

We have a clear action plan to reduce our emissions where possible. Our mitigation strategy follows a hierarchical approach: avoid, reduce, substitute and remove.

In this way, by avoiding carbon-intensive processes by design, we reduce the emissions we generate.


Investigate options to eliminate carbon and ensure design principles and specifications lead to low carbon design


Effcient energy management, increasing energy effciency measures throughout and the resource effciency per unit


Adopt renewable energy and technology in all feasible areas


Neutralise remaining GHG emissions by investing in carbon removal projects or initiatives



We are committed to reducing emissions related to the use of energy by implementing sustainable models and increasing our sourcing of renewable energy. Renewable energy sourcing now accounts for 37% of our total energy consumption. Our Italian and manufacturing sites currently consume 100% renewable electricity, with some produced on-site by photovoltaic systems. We aim to further support the ecological transition and renewable energy development through future electricity purchases.



Our energy management system is certified to the highest international standard, ISO 50001:2018, and we continually strive to improve our energy performance. Additionally, we are exploring innovative ways to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy for heating and process requirements.

Industrial Operations

We are committed to reducing emissions in both the construction of our buildings and the design of our industrial processes. That is why we constantly evaluate the sustainability impact of our buildings, and seek to meet LEED rating system, the most widely used green building rating system promoted by the U.S. Green Building Council.

In 2020, our new headquarters and research center were awarded LEED Platinum and LEED Gold.


Our commitment to sustainability extends to all aspects of our industrial operations. We have installed an abatement system in our Parma and Blois manufacturing sites to capture propellant losses from spray and filling phases. This system safely and effectively destroys the propellant, reducing emissions.


Supply chain and Logistics

Our supply chain plays a fundamental tole in our journey to reduce our emissions.

We developed the Code of Interdependence with our strategic partners to create shared guidelines and principles based on the B Corp movement, the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We have included a specific contractual clause in all new third-party agreements to ensure adherence to the Code.

Additionally, we created the Logistics Impact Meter (LIM), a tool to assess the effects of logistics and distribution operations on the environment, people, and communities. With LIM, we mapped our logistics network and identified the parameters that determine the impact of each actor, such as warehouses, hubs, and transit points. Through our affiliates’ involvement in the sustainability journey, we are evaluating logistics partners and seeking optimizations to reduce our GHG emissions and find the best sustainable solutions for our supply chain.

Products and packaging

We are committed to reduce emissions in the way our products are developed and designed.

We are actively working to reduce the carbon footprint of pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) while investing in dry powder inhaler (DPI) technology. We are currently working to develop a carbon minimal pMDI with a low global warming potential propellant, resulting in a 90% carbon footprint reduction.

In 2021, we also started a program to analyze our product portfolio with the purpose of reinforcing and improving the environmental sustainability profile of the company’s therapies. This program has four objectives:

  • Assessing the environmental sustainability of Chiesi products in accordance with circular economy principles.
  • Improving the sustainability profile of our products.
  • Supporting a green design approach for our products, to contribute to the UN SDGs and meet the demands of future regulations.
  • Participating in international working groups that contribute to environmental sustainability guidelines and interacting with regulatory agencies.

Human Transportation

We are committed to reduce emissions across all mobility programs of our Chiesi community.

We have implemented a “Human Transportation Policy” that focuses on both business travel and personal commuting. The policy promotes sustainable options such as digital meetings, train travel instead of flights, and using public transportation or cycling instead of cars. Such alternatives are also incentivized with cashback for each certified sustainable home-to-work journey.

We have put in place a number of measures to limit business travel to strictly necessary situations, which has led to a decrease in the number of trips. Adding to that, we are also electrifying our global car fleet and have almost completed the electrification project of our sites in Italy, with plans to replace fossil fuel cars with plug-in hybrid or electric cars, introduce home charging points, and offer training opportunities for sustainable driving.


The health of our planet deserves our best efforts

The road towards Net Zero is a challenging one, but Chiesi is fully committed to achieving this essential goal, for patients, planet and prosperity, also thanks to the strong effort of all people, suppliers and partners involved.

Global Value Chain