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Health Equity

Our patient-centric approach goes beyond providing innovative therapeutic solutions.

We are also working to promote health as a fundamental right and to make treatment accessible to everyone worldwide, regardless of who they are or where they are. Health issues transcend boundaries, and so should healthcare.

Millions of people around the world have medical conditions and need care and treatment.

To some it is accessible and affordable.

To others, simply gaining healthcare access can be a real, life-threatening challenge.

To this end we collaborate closely with a range of healthcare associations worldwide to increase access to our products in relevant therapeutic areas, including rare diseases, while working alongside healthcare authorities to increase disease awareness and promote training for healthcare professionals.

Our engagement with all relevant stakeholders is guided by our desire to understand and address gaps in access to care, to deliver concrete solutions to bridge these gaps, and to move together towards more sustainable healthcare for all.

Our Global Value & Access (GVA) team works across the company to bring the payer and patient voice into key clinical and commercial decision-making discussions. As an example, we deep dived into the payers’ understanding of chronic cough, an underserved disease with a significant burden on patients.

This was done by gathering insights into their attitude towards new therapeutic options, to


With a view of future needs, we have also investigated the payers' position on sustainability topics, particularly on the transition to environmentally friendly solutions, and together with other internal stakeholders we have focused on patient interest in new and sustainable medicines.

Our effort to improve access to healthcare worldwide iscontinuous, and we have several Chiesi projects and initiatives, oftentimes in cooperation with other stakeholders

Project Reward

Is an initiative focused on understanding payers’ views on the role of sustainability commitments into access and reimbursement decisions, to provide direction for further engagement and constructive collaboration. The project allowed us to identify priority areas of work, aligned with payers’ sustainability ambitions, and represents an additional field of implementation of the broad company commitment to creating shared value for society.

We also worked with several external partners to advance access in specific therapeutic areas.


Project Maisha

Is a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to ensure caffeine citrate availability for neonatal clinical trials in Kenya. Caffeine citrate is used to treat apnoea of prematurity, a common condition among preterm infants caused by the incomplete development of the respiratory system and the areas of the brain that regulate respiration.

Through the activities of Chiesi Foundation, we are also committed to enhance access to quality neonatal and respiratory care in low- and middle-income countries by providing technical support and capacity building for healthcare workers, as well as delivering innovative and sustainable technologies for healthfacilities. 