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Global Value Chain

Sustainability in our global value chain

Chiesi is committed to manage its value chain as responsibly as possible. We do this by promoting our shared value mindset and by ensuring supplier compliance on a number of issues, such as human rights, environmental protection and ethical working methods. By doing so, we can have a positive impact on the society and the planet.

«The United Nations Global Compact defines supply chain sustainability as "the management of environmental, social and economic impacts and promotion of good governance practices throughout the entire life cycle of goods and services". This is our framework to approach sustainability in the Chiesi global value chain.»

For us to meet our Net Zero objective by 2035, 90% of emissions reduction must take place across our global value chain. In order to achieve this, we require that our partners work together with us. By setting fair and ambitious sustainability requirements in our partnerships, we can help drive a broader ecosystem in the right direction.

This ambition is reflected in the Chiesi Code of Interdependence, which all of our suppliers are subject to.


Net Zero

90% of emissions reduction by 2035

The Chiesi code of interdependence

Co-created with our business partners and suppliers back in 2019 and subsequently revised in early 2022, the Code of Interdependence (Code) is a set of common values through which Chiesi aims to only collaborate with companies and partners that share our commitment to sustainability.

The Code is an innovative approach aiming to transform the concept of a supply chain to an ecosystem, where each stakeholder is recognized as essential to the others, fostering mutual learning and co-evolution, and driving sustainability.

Our inspiration for the Code of Interdependence draws from progressive movements and cutting-edge visions within the pharmaceutical industry such as the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI), the B Corp movement, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In 2022, 91% of our new strategic suppliers (strategic suppliers represent 80% of total expenditure) were covered by the Code of Interdependence. We audited some of our main suppliers to verify their compliance with our Code of Interdependence, either through our audit process or through self-assessment questionnaires.

Our suppliers and partners are invited to visit Chiesi and are offered trainings on how to enhance their ESG profile. Every two years the Code is subject to revision, with a commitment to continuously raise the standard and drive positive change at increased pace

Human rights across the value chain

Human rights are also a significant area covered by Chiesi’s Code of Interdependence. We promote decent work in all its possible expressions, such as fair working conditions, child labour prevention, rights at work, and social dialogue. The evaluation of all our suppliers and business partners includes a key element of respecting human rights, which is considered a crucial precondition for their selection.


We selected the EcoVadis platform to evaluate the sustainability level of our strategic suppliers through a third-party international and state-of-the-art provider. By analysing our business partners on elements such as ethical behavior, environmental protection, labour and human rights, our sustainable procurement practices and ethical business practices can be reinforced. Ecovadis parameters are closely linked to Chiesi’s own sustainability goals and allow to assess our vendors based on their level of sustainability. We also use the information provided through the EcoVadis scoring system to monitor our own progress on our Scope 3 emissions goal. An important benefit of the EcoVadis scoring system is its ability to allow Chiesi to engage in and continue a dialogue on sustainability with our partners encouraging them to deepen their own commitments in line with our own goals.

The Code of Interdependence represents a practical tool that Chiesi and all the other components of our ecosystem can use to evolve towards a more sustainable and inclusive concept of company for the pharma industry and a better world.

Ethics and Transparency