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Patient Centric Approach

Everything we do at Chiesi is ultimately about patients.

Our mission is to provide appropriate therapeutic solutions for, and with, patients – while improving people’s health and quality of life worldwide.

To deliver on our mission with as much positive impact as possible, we focus on providing solutions in three key therapeutic areas: Air, Rare and Care.

Our shared value approach

We think of patients first and foremost as people, not only as recipients of care.

Patients do not exist in isolation. They are active and empowered members of our societies, forming part of the same communities and living in the same environment as all of us. We believe true patient care must extend beyond providing treatments. This is reflected in our shared value approach, which requires active patient engagement across all our operations.

It all starts by listening to our patients.

We make a continual effort to understand what our patients go through – and not just from a clinical perspective. We listen to their emotions, desires and needs, and try to understand what motivates them in going about their daily lives.

We strive every day to include the patient perspective in all our processes, starting with the research and development phases of new therapeutic solutions. We also pay special attention to the impact of our therapies on patients’ lives and the environment.


Data Transparency

Chiesi is fully committed to clinical trial transparency and data sharing. We have several projects aimed at capturing indirect data on patients’ needs and sharing clinical knowledge with patients and researchers.

Clinical Trial Transparency and Data Sharing 

Engaging with Patients' Associations

It is of the utmost importance for Chiesi to understand what patients go through in their healthcare journey, not just from a clinical perspective.

In these efforts, a key step is our engagement with associations representing patients with severe diseases. This helps us better understand their needs and gather feedback to adapt the solutions we provide.

Project HOPE

A cross-company initiative which aims to embed patient engagement culture across all teams, using a methodology (the Human Factors Science) recognised by regulatory authorities, to gather patient feedback, analyse results and take formally documented design decisions to improve product development. This encourages knowledge sharing and teamcollaboration, so that the insights can be applied to every aspect of our work, and be documented in a regulatory-friendly way that supports our claims around patient impact.

Project EUPATI

We are committed to an active and collaborative dialogue that involves patients, caregivers and other health stakeholders. For instance, we work with EUPATI (European Academia of Patients), an important European patient association, in order to learn more about their reality, objectives and ongoing activities.


A cross-company initiative which aims to embed patient engagement culture across all teams, using a methodology (the Human Factors Science) recognised by regulatory authorities, to gather patient feedback, analyse results and take formally documented design decisions to improve product development. This encourages knowledge sharing and teamcollaboration, so that the insights can be applied to every aspect of our work, and be documented in a regulatory-friendly way that supports our claims around patient impact.


We are committed to an active and collaborative dialogue that involves patients, caregivers and other health stakeholders. For instance, we work with EUPATI (European Academia of Patients), an important European patient association, in order to learn more about their reality, objectives and ongoing activities.


Chiesi supports and collaborates closely with EURORDIS Rare Diseases Europe, a unique, nonprofit alliance of more than 1,000 rare disease patient organisations from 74 countries that work together to improve the lives of the 30 million people living with a rare disease in Europe

A transparent approach

As part of our commitment to support, strengthen and amplify the voice of patients worldwide we actively support a number of Patient Associations, along with communication our donations in a transperant way.

These associations play an important role as they work tirelessly to promote patient needs, consider their perspectives, and create opportunities for collaboration and dialogue among stakeholders at local, national, and international levels.

A full disclosure of the list of Patient Associations supported by Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., in 2021, according to article 4.6 of Farmindustria Code of Conduct, is provided below. We encourage you to read more about these associations and their work.


Patient Organization Support