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A sistem that thrives together

At Chiesi, we invest resources and skills in the development of the communities in which we live to contribute to long-term and sustainable well-being through our shared value projects, contributions and partnerships with local organisations

Adopting a shared value approach in community development and engagement strategy helps to address systemic issues and to create more equitable outcomes for all members of the community.

We build connections and relationships with the stakeholders of our communities; we strive to understand their needs, and we support programmes that encourage our employees to volunteer.

The company also contributes economically to the local community by providing valuable jobs or collaborating with local partners and suppliers. The work we undertake in the wider community includes both financial contributions, goods and drugs donations, and voluntary work carried out by our people.



Is the value generated in 2022



Economic value reinvested in the Group

Employees and Collaborators

Public Administration

Capital Provider



We actively care for tomorrow

WeACT is a people engagement programme initiated by Chiesi that encompasses communities where we operate. Supporting and engaging with the community is an important part of our success as a company. We aim to promote long-term sustainable growth to benefit both our internal and external communities.

During 2022, over 1,600 employees were involved in volunteering activities worldwide, contributing to a total of 9,000 hours volunteered.

Our Approach 

Community efforts

Chiesi also contributes to the development of the local community by supporting and promoting various initiatives. With this commitment in mind, a specific governance body was set up in 2015 at the Headquarters level, known as Committee for Social Development Activities in the Community, in short CASSC.


The CASSC has defined a vision and specific areas of intervention, based on both understanding the needs of the communities we operate in and the goals we set ourselves as a global company:

Environmental protection

We aim to raise awareness about the urgency of taking action against climate crisis and on its impact on health and well-being.

Education and new generations

We aim to inform and educate our communities, with a specific focus on new generations, about values, concepts and practices linked to sustainable development and regenerative economy.

Culture and territory heritage

We aim to contribute to the enhancement of the artistic, cultural and scientific heritage of the local territory, making it more liveable and attractive, in partnerships with local stakeholders.

Social innovation and inclusion

We aim to listen to the voices of the local community, in order to understand their needs and support the most underserved and fragile groups.


We aim to help those in emergency situations in the Group’s reference countries.

At affiliate level, Shared Value & Sustainability Business Partners follow a common framework and take charge of local activities to ensure alignment between the Group's strategy and the needs of local stakeholders.

Local Initiatives


The heart of Chiesi lies in the city of our origins, Parma.

Our local community effort is rooted in three key projects.

Respira con il cuore. Chiesi has supported Respira con il cuore (Breathe from the Heart), a project conceived in partnership with the Education Department of the Municipality of Parma. Young people from secondary schools in the Parma area took part in this initiative aimed to give a voice to the youngest actors in our society, discussing important topics like climate change and gender equality, while being supported by trained psychologists, teachers, and authors

B Corp School is the first project recognised in Italy by the Ministry of Education that connects schools with certified B Corps and other companies that share the same values, in order to discover new entrepreneurial talents and spread the B Corp values among high school and university students. The B Corp school project is promoted by InVento Lab, an Italian B Corp with a strong focus on education.

KilometroVerdeParma. Chiesi is among the founders of the social enterprise consortium KilometroVerdeParma (Green Kilometer Consortium), which aims to create permanent forests and woodland areas around Parma and surrounding province. Chiesi is actively taking part in the consortium by setting up reforestation initiatives. Over the course of three years, the consortium has planted more than 55,000 trees, amounting to a reforested surface area of approximately 49 hectares.

International Initiatives

Chiesi is also committed to supporting communities around the world. In 2022, we provided support for patients in conflict territories by providing uninterrupted access to life-saving products and by granting monetary support to humanitarian NGOs, as well as donating Chiesi treatments to newborns and transplant patients whenever possible.

Chiesi’s commitment to social, environmental and cultural support is demonstrated through some key international projects.


The year 2022 marked the Year of Italian Culture and Tourism in China, which has injected new vitality into bilateral exchanges. As an Italian-rooted company with a strong commitment in China, Chiesi China wants to speak up about this heritage to enhance Sino-Italian/European exchange in the healthcare and culture field. For this reason, Chiesi China supported different initiatives and local organisations during 2022. We kicked off a project to support disabled people’s Shu embroidery workshop in Chengdu’s Qingbaijiang and to support the Yunnan Honghe Hani Minor Nationality’s multi-phonetic song.


In 2022, Chiesi UK supported Wythenshawe Safespots, a user-led domestic abuse organisation. The centre offers support and help to women and children who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse by providing a local centre where they can access help.


During the second half of 2022, Pakistan was severely hit by devastating floods. In response to this emergency, Chiesi Pakistan has supported the affected communities through Flood Relief Camp, providing essential supplies and donating medicines for the medical camps. Chiesi Pakistan also ensured assistance to employees directly affected by the emergency through financial and medical support. Chiesi Pakistan, in collaboration with Chiesi Foundation, is in the process of phase 2 support, which involves re-building of 17 homes in flood-affected areas.

You can read more about our community effort in our sustainability report.